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Staying in the present moment

I have been trying to practice the art of mindfulness. It is a deliberate intent to keep my attention in the here and now. From the sensory experience, of sight, touch feel, and smell being oriented to my immediate surrounding. The aim is to avoid unnecessary triggers from a memory or from the imagination. So avoiding the past and the future. Because it can trigger depression and anxiety in my body and nervous system. So far it is working. Mostly, I am doing it by ordering myself to breathe and stop resisting. Stop resisting what? Stop resisting wellness and goodness. Stop resisting air that nourishes the body. Stop resisting for good manifestation to come through because of the intense tension that is happening in the body from fear and guilt, or whatever unnecessary emotions coming up in the body.  The irony of course, by staying in present in the body, we actually get a freedom from being agitated by the body. So for now, my mantra is to keep breathing and stop resisting. 

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